Guía de alimentos veganos para un cabello saludable - Blog Olistic
Apr 8, 2024

Vegan Food Guide for Healthy Hair


Choosing a vegan lifestyle goes beyond diet; It is a commitment to sustainability, ethics, and often a drive toward healthier living.

If we follow a vegan diet, a question arises: how does this choice affect our hair health? In this article we will explore how proteins, vitamins, antioxidants and other components present in foods can be obtained from a vegan diet and contribute to strong, healthy and hair loss-free hair .

Proteins: the basis of strong hair

Keratin is the main base of both hair and nails and a fundamental protein for the body. We can find it in the following foods of plant origin:

  • Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas and beans.
  • Soy derivatives such as tofu, tempeh, miso and heura.
  • Whole grains , from wheat to quinoa, and nuts such as almonds and pistachios.

Integrating these foods into the daily diet, whether through salads, main dishes or smoothies, not only ensures balanced nutrition but also contributes to maintaining the strength and vitality of the hair in the context of a vegan diet.

Vitamins: key nutrients for optimal growth

Fat-soluble vitamins

  • Vitamin A: contributes to prolonging the hair growth phase and shortening the hair loss phase. Spinach and carrots are rich in this vitamin , as are sweet potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, mango, apricots and melon.

Integrating them can be as simple as adding them to your salads or including them in your snacks or main dishes.

  • Vitamin D : Various studies have explored the connection between vitamin D and hair health, indicating a possible role in hair growth and anti-inflammatory properties .
There are vegan vitamin D options that you can easily incorporate into your diet such as mushrooms, especially those exposed to ultraviolet sunlight . Additionally, you can get this vitamin from fortified foods such as fortified almond or soy drinks .
Integrating them into your diet is easy: consider adding mushrooms to your salads, stews or stir-fries, and choose vitamin D-fortified milk alternatives for your coffee or cereal.
  • Vitamin E: is known for its ability to protect cells against oxidative damage. Foods such as soy, wheat, whole grains, spinach and walnuts are rich in vitamin E.
To include it in your diet, enjoy a bowl of oatmeal with nuts and fruits for breakfast, add spinach to your salads, and prepare dishes that include tofu or soy products. These options will not only improve the health of your hair, but will also add variety and nutrition to your vegan diet.

Water-soluble vitamins

The B complex is essential for cellular metabolism, that is, so that cells can provide energy to the body. Therefore, it is also essential for hair.

There are several vegan options to incorporate these vitamins into your diet. Whole grains, lentils, quinoa, peas and walnuts are rich sources of B complex .

A bowl of quinoa with vegetables and nuts, a salad with peas and avocado, or a slice of whole wheat bread with hummus are delicious and nutritious options.

Citrus fruits: vitamin C for collagen production

Foods rich in vitamin C are essential:

  • For collagen production .
  • To stimulate hair growth by influencing insulin growth factor (IGF-1).
  • To improve iron absorption, crucial to prevent hair loss in conditions such as telogen effluvium .

Some vegan sources rich in this vitamin are: parsley, red peppers, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kiwi, blueberries and citrus fruits.

Try a colorful salad with red peppers and broccoli, a smoothie with kiwi and blueberries, or a bowl of sautéed Brussels sprouts. You can also squeeze lemons or limes over your meals to give them a citrus touch and increase your vitamin C intake.

Folic Acid: repairs follicle cells

Folic acid strengthens hair roots and improves cell repair because it oxygenates the blood in the hair follicles. Some vegan sources of folic acid are:

  • Legumes , such as lentils and chickpeas.
  • Whole grains , such as quinoa.
  • Other vegan options like avocados, spinach and broccoli .

Integrate these foods into your daily diet through salads, stews, smoothies or even as healthy snacks.

Woman taking vegan food for healthy hair

Iron: essential for hair growth

Iron plays an important role in hair health:

  • Facilitates the transport of oxygen to the hair follicles .
  • Contributes to the hair growth cycle .
  • Participates in the production of collagen .

Iron deficiency can cause anemia, affect the hair cycle, and contribute to hair loss . These are all the vegan foods that can help you have healthy iron levels:

  • Legumes such as lentils and chickpeas.
  • Whole grains such as oats and quinoa.
  • Dried fruits and nuts such as almonds and pistachios.
  • Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and chard.

Antioxidants: defenders against oxidative stress

Astaxanthin: antioxidant shield

Astaxanthin helps us fight free radicals and their harmful consequences for health such as skin and hair problems.

One of the main vegan sources of astaxanthin is green algae . You can include seaweed in your meals, either as an ingredient in salads, in the form of snacks or incorporating them into dishes such as vegan sushi.

Resveratrol: potential treatment for androgenetic alopecia

Resveratrol stands out not only for its antioxidant properties but also for its anti-inflammatory potential. This compound has various health benefits:

  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases.
  • Improvement in cognitive function.
  • It is a potential treatment for androgenic alopecia .

An excellent source of resveratrol is grapes , and you can enjoy it by including red or purple grapes in your daily diet, or even opting for 100% natural grape juice. Red wine also contains resveratrol, but it is important to consume it in moderation.

Another vegan option rich in resveratrol is cocoa . You can add pure cocoa powder to smoothies, yogurts or use it as an ingredient in healthy dessert recipes.

Ashwagandha: adaptogen for stress

Ashwagandha stands out for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This plant acts as an adaptogen, strengthening the body's ability to resist the damaging effects of stress. Additionally, there are studies that suggest that it reduces cortisol, benefiting hair follicles.

Traditionally consumed in powder form mixed with ghee, milk or honey, ashwagandha is positioned as a valuable ally for comprehensive well-being and stress management, with specific benefits for hair health.

Turmeric: antioxidant and anti-inflammatory

Turmeric, from the ginger family, stands out for being a rich source of curcumin, a powerful antioxidant. Studies indicate that curcumin could play an important role in the regulation of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body, and may be relevant in the treatment of hair loss , since DHT is associated with the miniaturization of hair follicles. , a key factor in androgenetic alopecia.

Integrating turmeric into your diet in a delicious and healthy way is easy. You can add it to a vegan curry with various vegetables, in the form of tea with ginger and honey, season rice and grains, prepare the popular "golden milk" with milk and spices or even create salad dressings. Remember to combine it with black pepper to improve its absorption .


In conclusion, following a vegan lifestyle does not mean compromising hair health , since the conscious integration of legumes, cereals, nuts and seeds provides essential proteins.

Likewise, fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins from vegan foods strengthen hair from within. In addition, antioxidants such as astaxanthin, resveratrol, ashwagandha and turmeric provide unique benefits to combat oxidative stress and promote hair health.

Together, these elements create a complete guide to maintaining healthy hair within a balanced, vegan approach.

Apr 8, 2024