Cómo frenar la caída del pelo en otoño: recomendaciones de un dermatólogo - Blog Olistic
Nov 13, 2023

How to stop hair loss in autumn: recommendations from a dermatologist


In the months of September, October and November, many people come to my office and notice much greater hair loss than at other times of the year. Does your hair fall out more in the fall too? The first thing I want you to know is that hair loss in autumn is very common and most of the time it is reversible since it is part of a seasonal phenomenon .

However, it is normal that you want to know why it happens and how to stop hair loss in autumn so that you can recover the density of your hair as soon as possible. In this article I am going to answer all these questions.

Why does hair fall more in autumn?

Hair loss in autumn is mainly related to seasonal telogen effluvium.

As you already know, the hair growth cycle goes through 3 phases: growth, rest and loss. These 3 phases coexist at the same time in our hair. While the majority of hair is in the growth phase (approximately 90%), others are in the resting phase and others are falling out (between 6 and 8% of all our hair).

Seasonal telogen effluvium causes more hairs in the shedding phase than usual . Therefore, we notice a greater loss of density, more hair in the shower, on the brush...

A combination of environmental, nutritional and psychological factors have been linked to the appearance of telogen effluvium and hair loss in autumn. The main ones to take into account are:

  • The cold temperatures of autumn.
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun during the summer.
  • The stress that accompanies returning to work.
  • Variations in diet during the holidays.
  • The effects of sunburn on the scalp (which usually appear 1 to 3 months after vacation)

Myth about hair loss in autumn

There is a myth that “hair that falls out in autumn does not grow back” and it is completely false.

If hair loss in autumn is caused by seasonal telogen effluvium, and there is no other related pathology, these hairs that are now in the loss phase will soon enter the growth phase, thus recovering our usual hair. Looking on the positive side, we can consider this increase in hair loss in autumn as a renewal.

How to know if I have seasonal telogen effluvium

There are many causes behind hair loss and it can be complex to establish an adequate diagnosis and treatment, which is why we always recommend visiting a dermatologist to confirm that hair loss is caused by seasonal telogen effluvium.

In any case, there are certain aspects that characterize hair loss in autumn. It is a diffuse fall and is not concentrated in a single place on the scalp. It is usually described as a decrease in overall volume, not in a specific area.

Another question that I frequently hear in my consultation is how long hair loss lasts in the fall. Unfortunately, its duration is difficult to specify since it will depend on the care or treatment you apply. Normally between 3 and 6 months we begin to see recovery with proper care.

How to stop hair loss in autumn

In most cases, hair loss in autumn usually resolves on its own. As soon as the hair that has fallen begins its growth phase, we regain the usual density of our hair. Even so, there are certain recommendations that we know impact the speed at which we stop this seasonal hair loss.

Here are some strategies to treat hair loss in the fall:

Request a professional dermatological diagnosis

If you experience unusual fall hair loss, the first thing you should do is consult a dermatologist to evaluate your situation and rule out other medical conditions that may be contributing to fall hair loss.

Your dermatologist can prescribe some topical treatments such as minoxidil that can be effective in stimulating hair growth. Always consult your dermatologist before using any topical treatment and follow their recommendations.

Establish a hair care routine

Since hair falls more in autumn, it is advisable to include products that strengthen and nourish hair in your hair care routine . I also recommend avoiding excessive use of harsh chemicals and excessive heat when styling your hair, as they can damage hair follicles.

Maintain a healthy diet

The main thing is to eat a balanced diet rich in nutrients. Be sure to include proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in your daily diet, as well as foods rich in iron, zinc, biotin and vitamin D, which are especially beneficial .

Supplement your diet with nutraceuticals

As a complement to foods to combat hair loss in autumn, it is interesting to use specific nutraceuticals such as Olistic Man and Olistic Woman , which are designed to strengthen hair and promote its growth . These specifically contain natural ingredients such as Astaxanthin , Ashwagandha Sensoril and Biotin with great properties to combat hair loss.

A healthy diet supplemented with specific nutraceuticals is key to recovering hair more quickly in autumn.

Bottles of Olistic, a nutraceutical to combat hair loss

It reduces stress

Stress can be a trigger for hair loss in the fall, so practicing relaxation techniques, such as meditation, yoga or regular exercise, can help reduce stress and improve hair health.

Protect your hair from the sun in summer

If summer sun exposure has weakened your hair, consider protecting it from future damage by using hats or hair sunscreen .

Be patient

Seasonal hair loss is a process that takes time. With proper care, you will notice a gradual reduction in hair loss over a period of 3 to 6 months. Stay calm and be patient .

Nov 13, 2023