8 Mitos sobre la caída de pelo - Blog Olistic
Apr 8, 2024

8 Myths about hair loss


Hair loss is a topic that worries many people and, as a dermatologist, I have had the opportunity to address the most common questions about this topic in consultation.

Therefore, in this article I want to answer 8 of the most widespread myths about hair loss to demystify some erroneous beliefs , always providing answers based on scientific evidence and my dermatological experience.

Myth 1: “It is not normal for hair to fall out every day”

Not at all! Daily hair loss is part of the normal cycle of hair growth and renewal , a phenomenon where some follicles enter the resting phase and others begin to grow.

In general terms, it is estimated that a person loses between 50 and 100 hairs daily . However, if you notice significant loss or sudden changes, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist to rule out possible underlying problems.

Myth 2: “Genetics determine hair loss. If my father is bald, I will be bald too."

This is one of the most widespread myths about hair loss.

Genetic predisposition plays a significant role in hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia , which affects both men and women, has a notable genetic influence. Therefore, if you have a family history of hair loss, you may be more likely to experience it .

However, it is essential to understand that genetics does not absolutely dictate hair evolution, and the manifestation can vary considerably from one person to another . In addition, we have treatments to address androgenetic alopecia.

Myth 3. “You can't distinguish normal hair loss from problematic or more serious hair loss.”

Physiological (natural) hair loss is manifested by hair loss during routine activities, such as combing or washing, and to a lesser extent throughout the day. In general terms, as we have previously mentioned, it is accepted that daily loss ranges between 50 and 100 hairs.

The identification of areas with more extensive hair loss, such as lightening in the frontal region of the scalp, on the crown or the presence of hairless patches, represent signs that deserve specialized attention . Many of these conditions can be effectively addressed if appropriate treatments are initiated in their initial stages.

Therefore, we are facing one of the myths about hair loss, since there are obvious signs that we can detect when it comes to differentiating normal hair loss from a more serious one.

Myth 4: “Dieting does not cause more hair loss”

The truth is that extreme diets lack essential nutritional contributions (such as proteins, iron, zinc and vitamins) and have been shown to be a contributing factor to hair loss .

Deficiency of these nutrients directly affects the hair matrix and keratin, compromising structural integrity and the growth phase.

It is crucial to understand that hair is a metabolically active tissue and requires proper nutrition for optimal functioning. Maintaining a balanced diet, rich in essential nutrients for hair health, is essential to prevent and mitigate the adverse effects of extreme diets on hair loss.

Believing that diet does not affect hair is one of the 8 myths about hair loss

Myth 5: “Over-the-counter scalp treatments are not effective in treating hair loss.”

The offering of over-the-counter hair loss treatments applied to the scalp is diverse, and their effectiveness may vary depending on individual circumstances .

While some products may provide noticeable benefits, others may have limited or no impact.

The key lies in identifying the underlying cause of hair loss. Consultation with a dermatologist is imperative before starting any treatment , allowing a professional evaluation of the hair condition and ensuring the choice of an approach that optimally fits the patient's specific situation. This personalized approach is essential to maximize treatment effectiveness and optimize results.

Myth 6: “Stress does not cause hair loss”

That stress does not affect the hair is another of the most widespread myths about hair loss. Stress, whether physical or emotional in nature, can trigger a type of alopecia known as telogen effluvium , characterized by an increase in the number of hairs in the loss phase .

Fortunately, this phenomenon is usually transient in nature and hair follicles tend to fully recover over time.

Effective stress management emerges as a crucial strategy to preserve hair health. The implementation of relaxation and self-care techniques is positioned as a valuable preventive and therapeutic measure in the comprehensive approach to hair loss associated with stress .

Myth 7: “Chemical products do not promote hair loss”

Prolonged exposure to chemical agents, such as dyes, hair bleaches and chemical treatments intended to modify the hair structure (straightening, perms, etc.) can structurally damage the hair, which can predispose to hair loss due to breakage .

It is important to note that, although this exposure does not alter the hair growth process, it can significantly affect its structure and appearance, thus compromising its health and vitality .

Myth 8: “Dietary supplements do not reduce hair loss”

It depends on the accessories, since not all of them are the same. Olistic , for example, is a nutraceutical that is designed to comprehensively address various underlying causes of hair loss , in addition to having other beneficial effects on our body .

It is essential to highlight that, although Olistic can provide effective solutions, prior consultation with a dermatologist is important . This dermatological evaluation ensures a comprehensive approach, providing specific and personalized recommendations to address each individual's particular needs in managing hair loss.

Don't believe all the myths you hear about hair loss.

How many of the 8 myths about hair loss have you fallen into? Hair loss can be worrying, but it is important to address it in an informed and proactive manner. Consulting a dermatologist can provide personalized answers and treatment options suited to your needs .

Dermatologists are trained to evaluate and diagnose various hair problems, from scalp conditions to possible hormonal imbalances, ensuring an expert and personalized approach to address any concerns you may have about the health of your hair.

Remember that each case is unique and understanding the underlying cause is crucial to finding the best solution. Take care of your hair, take care of yourself!

And if you want to demystify more ideas about hair, I invite you to visit the article 7 myths about hair care .

Apr 8, 2024