Efluvio telógeno crónico: la importancia de la constancia en el tratamiento - Blog Olistic
Apr 8, 2024

Chronic telogen effluvium: the importance of consistency in treatment


As a dermatologist, before prescribing a treatment for hair loss, I analyze its evolution, identify the possible causes and assess what the answers may be.

In the event that it is a chronic condition, such as androgenetic alopecia , it will be necessary to establish a chronic treatment to maintain the results over time.

On the other hand, in cases or temporary hair problems, the treatments last a certain time. However, sometimes, despite having completed treatment, the person may relapse and require longer treatment. This would be the case of chronic telogen effluvium , which we are going to talk about in this article.

In any case, whatever the situation, the duration and type of treatment for hair loss is individualized and will require the assessment of an expert dermatologist .

What is the normal hair growth cycle?

Before talking about chronic telogen effluvium, it is important to know how hair grows and to know that we naturally lose between 50 and 200 hairs a day .

Although we have already discussed the hair cycle in previous articles, let's review it: each hair follicle independently goes through three main phases:

1. Growth phase (anagen phase): hair grows and lengthens. Between 85% and 90% of hair is in this phase at any given time, which lasts approximately 2-6 years.
2. Transition phase (catagen phase): hair growth slows down and the hair follicle becomes smaller. This phase lasts approximately 2 to 3 weeks.
3. Resting phase (telogen phase): hair stops growing. This phase lasts approximately 3 months. After the rest phase, the individual hairs end up falling out, starting the cycle again with the growth of a new hair that replaces it.

The hair cycle has an important characteristic and that is that it is asynchronous . This characteristic is what prevents episodes of massive hair loss. However, we must not forget that, in reality, hair loss occurs constantly, since there will always be follicles in the loss phase .

Chart with the phases of the hair cycle

What is telogen effluvium?

When the proportion of hair follicles in the telogen (loss) phase increases significantly, causing more prominent hair loss, we have telogen effluvium.

In the normal human scalp, approximately 10% of follicles are in the telogen phase at any given time. However, in telogen effluvium, it is estimated that 7% to 35% of follicles that would normally have remained in the anagen (growth) phase transition to the telogen phase.

Types of telogen effluvium

Acute telogen effluvium

Acute telogen effluvium is perhaps the best known and lasts less than 6 months . There are multiple causes that can cause it, such as:

🍃 Traumatic or stressful events
🍃 Some diseases
🍃 The postpartum
🍃 Restrictive diets
🍃 Some medications

Acute telogen effluvium usually reduces when the initial trigger disappears. However, hair loss slows down gradually and hair growth with a normal length and shaft usually takes months.

Chronic telogen effluvium

In chronic telogen effluvium, hair loss persists for more than six months or even years, occurring seasonally. It is less common than acute telogen effluvium and most commonly occurs in women between 30 and 60 years of age.

During the consultation, dermatologists will study whether there is an underlying cause of the fall, through questioning, physical examination and, sometimes, we will request an analysis. However, up to ⅓ of patients cannot identify a cause . Despite this, we can still prescribe appropriate treatment for our patients.

Treatment for chronic telogen effluvium

As you may have been able to identify, in chronic telogen effluvium, we will need to carry out longer-term treatments where consistency is key to maintain long-term results .

One of the characteristics we look for in the treatment is to try to synergistically address hair loss, which can be multifactorial, and avoid treatments that can cause cumulative side effects, since this can last for years.

The objective of the treatment will be to promote the growth phase and prepare the hair follicle so that the hair regenerates properly.

The most common treatments for chronic telogen effluvium are platelet-rich plasma or minoxidil in solution or orally.

Other natural options to stop hair loss and provide the root of the hair follicle with the necessary material to produce new hair are nutricosmetics such as Olistic. These are a very interesting option as they address the causes of chronic telogen effluvium in a joint, non-invasive way, with natural ingredients and in a single product, which makes it easier for the treatment to be maintained in the long term.

In the case of chronic telogen effluvium caused by stress, Olistic contains natural antioxidants such as astaxanthin , turmeric or resveratrol in its formula, which help us reduce its effects. Likewise, ashwagandha is a natural adaptogen that balances cortisol levels and stress hormones.


Regardless of the treatment, the hair recovery process in chronic telogen effluvium is slow and individual. Which is why it is important to look for treatment options that can be maintained in the long term and be constant in both follow-up with your dermatologist and in the indicated treatment to obtain the greatest benefits.

The prognosis of the effluvium is good. Although the slowing down of hair loss and its subsequent growth may be slow, the hair usually recovers in its entirety .

The most important thing when faced with hair loss is to consult your dermatologist to make a correct diagnosis and be able to prescribe the appropriate individualized treatment.

Apr 8, 2024