¿Cómo influye el sueño en nuestra salud? - Blog Olistic
Apr 8, 2024

How does sleep influence our health?


Sleep is a physiological state to which human beings dedicate a third of their lives . It is an active state, different from waking state, in which a series of processes necessary to maintain physical and psychological balance occur.

Sleep is important for the growth and renewal of multiple physiological functions of our body . Therefore, it is essential to ensure correct rest and find out its possible alterations. In this article I want to explain to you the importance of sleep in our lives and show you some tips to achieve a restful sleep.

Sleep phases

Sleep is made up of two phases that repeat in cycles (approximately 4 to 6 cycles in a 7-8 hour night). These phases are called REM ( Rapid Eye Movement ) and Non-REM (non Rapid Eye Movement ) . Each sleep cycle consists of about 60-90 minutes of Non-REM sleep and 15-30 minutes of REM sleep.

💤 Non-REM Phase : the body's restorative function occurs, increased growth hormone release, cellular regeneration and decreased stress response. Alterations in this phase can have consequences such as drowsiness, fatigue, delayed growth, cognitive deficits and less tissue regeneration.
💤 REM Phase : the processes of attention, memory and consolidation of what has been learned are carried out, so alterations during this phase can lead to difficulties in learning and social relationships, as well as a lower decision-making capacity. and even attention deficit disorders.

As we have seen, sleep is an extremely important physiological process for our body, so we must ensure that our sleep hygiene is of quality to obtain the maximum benefit from the functions that occur during our hours of sleep .

Consequences of sleep disorders

More and more people have difficulty sleeping, seeing various important functions of the body affected. And, when we don't get enough quality sleep, feeling tired is not the only consequence , since it also has an impact on mental and physical health.

People who suffer from sleep disorders are more likely to die prematurely, have their quality of life and productivity reduced , as well as have chronic diseases such as:

🩺Metabolic syndrome

Additionally, not sleeping well is strongly linked to the health of our skin and hair . When we do not get enough sleep, the functioning of our body is altered, putting the body under a state of stress that activates inflammatory responses, produces hormonal imbalances and increases sebum production .

The skin, for example, functions as a barrier against environmental aggressions, plays a key role in thermoregulatory functions and has its own peripheral circadian rhythm. All of this could be altered when there is inadequate quality of sleep.

When the quality or quantity of our hours of sleep are not correct, the skin and hair can suffer the following changes:

🥀 Dull-looking skin due to decreased production of collagen and hyaluronic acid.
🥀 Premature appearance of wrinkles due to an increase in oxidative stress, which causes accelerated aging.
🥀 Greater possibility of allergic reactions and eczema appearing on the skin because stress alters immune function, decreasing the skin's barrier action and its defense capacity.
🥀 Skin dehydration.
🥀 Hair loss due to alterations in its growth phases necessary for hair regeneration.

On top of that, chronic poor sleep quality is associated with lower satisfaction with personal appearance .

Woman with sleep problems

Tips for proper sleep hygiene

As we have seen, both lack of sleep and stress can have important consequences for our general health and for our skin, which is why it is vitally important to take care of and respect our sleeping hours through correct sleep hygiene . The following recommendations can help you get a restful sleep and enjoy all its benefits:

😴 Sleep enough hours and establish a regular schedule.
😴 Avoid the consumption of alcohol and stimulants (tea, coffee, chocolate, etc.).
😴 Avoid heavy dinners and try to eat dinner 2 hours before bedtime.
😴 Avoid taking sedative medications, such as anxiolytics or sleeping pills, as well as muscle relaxants, as they can alter sleep phases by changing the physiological patterns of each person.
😴 No smoking.
😴 Exercise regularly, but avoid doing it before bed.
😴 Maintain a suitable environment that favors and maintains sleep, such as: temperatures between 15.6 and 19.4°C, having the room dark, avoiding flickering lights or mobile/laptop screens, reducing noise, wearing comfortable clothing, etc.
😴 Avoid using screens right before bed.
😴 Control associated diseases.

What if these tips don't help me sleep better?

Sleep medicine is led by multidisciplinary teams that know the different sleep disorders and can help you avoid the repercussions that they entail. In recent years, sleep units have shown exponential growth, as has research into the physiology of sleep. Therefore, if you have any type of sleep disorder, you should consult with doctors who specialize in the subject (neurologists, neurophysiologists, pulmonologists, otorhinolaryngologists) .

In addition to professional help, there are options that are more within our reach and can help us complement our correct sleep hygiene and promote healthier skin and hair . For example, nutricosmetics like Olistic with natural ingredients like ashwagandha can help you balance cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and have more restful sleep.

Apr 8, 2024