Cómo cuidar el pelo en invierno para prevenir daños - Blog Olistic
Apr 8, 2024

How to care for your hair in winter to prevent damage


The cold has arrived and, with it, the winter challenges for our hair. In this context, the best ally to resist these environmental circumstances is to have well-hydrated hair in winter.

Hydration in the hair acts as a natural barrier against winter adversities.

As a dermatologist, I want to share with you essential tips on how to adapt your hair routine during winter to keep your hair well hydrated, also highlighting the importance of nutricosmetics like Olistic to strengthen your hair from within.

What happens to hair in winter?

Low temperatures, wind and variable humidity can affect the health of hair in winter, making it more brittle and dry .

But our own actions at this time can also have an impact on the well-being and care of our hair in winter, such as dryness in the environment due to heating, sudden changes in temperature when we use irons or friction caused by warm clothing such as coats and scarves. .

How to take care of your hair in winter?

Wash your hair carefully in winter

Opt for mild, sulfate-free shampoos specific to your hair type . Whether you have dry or oily hair, or a sensitive scalp, I recommend looking for hydrating formulas that counteract winter dryness.

On the other hand, it would be advisable to avoid or reduce the frequency of dry shampoo . Dry shampoo is presented as a practical solution during the summer season to eliminate the accumulation of dirt and grease in the hair without resorting to traditional washing with water. However, being formulated to absorb excess oil, especially in the roots and scalp, its use may be more prone to causing dehydration and breakage in winter hair during the colder months.

Gently dry your hair outdoors in winter

After washing your hair with the appropriate products, dry it gently. To care for your hair in winter, avoid rubbing vigorously with the towel, or wrapping your hair in a towel. It is best if you press it gently to absorb excess water. This simple change reduces friction and minimizes the risk of breakage.

Take advantage of days off to allow your hair to air dry. This prevents constant exposure to heat and reduces the likelihood of thermal damage.

Use heat protectant before drying your hair in winter

If you opt for a dryer, always use a heat protectant before drying. This step is crucial to minimize the impact of heat on the hair cuticle. Apply the product evenly, prioritizing the ends .

Use a moderate temperature in your dryer

Set the temperature of your dryer to moderate levels. Excessive heat can strip hair of its natural moisture, making it prone to brittleness and breakage.

Dry hair in winter from a safe distance

Keep the dryer a safe distance from your hair, especially if you are using hot air to dry it. The recommended distance would be at least 15-20 centimeters . This prevents direct contact and minimizes the risk of thermal damage.

Apply nourishing oils

Before bed, consider applying nourishing oils to provide an extra layer of hydration to your hair in winter. Oils such as argan or coconut can be beneficial, especially on the ends, to care for hair in winter .

Put your hair up in winter

Avoiding knots is key in the battle against winter wind. Tangles cause breakage of the hair fiber when trying to undo them .

Putting your hair up can be the solution and it is best to use soft elastic bands such as velvet, silk or fabric to avoid breakage and tangling when tying your hair.

Woman taking care of her hair in winter

Remedy static electricity in hair in winter

The generation of static electricity in the hair occurs when moisture fails to penetrate the hair fiber . Keeping your hair hydrated is the best way to deal with static electricity. One option to avoid static electricity and take care of your hair in winter is to use a humidifier to rehydrate the air in your home.

Take care of your health from the inside

Remember that hair health starts from within. A balanced diet and adequate intake of essential nutrients contribute significantly to hair care in winter, providing it with strength and vitality.

Nutricosmetics like Olistic are a great ally to take care of your hair in winter. With a complete formula that provides vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, among others, they help healthy hair growth.

Winter hair care: inside and out

In conclusion, winter hair care requires a combination of healthy practices and appropriate products.

With nutricosmetics like Olistic strengthening your hair from within, and following the tips mentioned previously, you will be prepared to have healthy hair during the winter season.

Apr 8, 2024