¿Sabes cuál es tu tipo de pelo? - Blog Olistic
Nov 4, 2022

Do you know what your hair type is?


We are all very clear that not all skins are the same. There are dry, oily and combination skin types and not all creams are good for all skin types. The same thing happens with hair. Not all hair is created equal, and we're not talking about blonde, brown, or red hair. There are up to 12 types of hair depending on their texture and curvature! Knowing yours can help you know what your hair is capable of naturally and how you should care for it to keep it looking its best.

How to identify your hair type?

Your hair type fundamentally depends on the curvature it has, and this is determined by the shape of your hair follicle which, in turn, is defined by your genetics. The more oval or asymmetrical your hair follicle is, the curlier your hair will be.

You can try to alter the curvature of your hair with heat or chemical agents, but your basic hair pattern is in your DNA. Based on the curvature of the hair, there are 4 main types of hair:

🌾 Type 1 or smooth/straight
🌿 Type 2 or wavy
☘️ Type 3 or curly
🍀 Type 4 or curly (very curly)
Within each type, hair is subclassified into A, B or C depending on the level of tightness of the hair curves. Each person has a predominant type of hair, although sometimes different types of hair can coexist in the same individual (the roots being different from the tips, for example).

Types of hair and their characteristics

Type 1: Straight or straight

This hair does not naturally have any curvature or wave and is usually fine hair . The advantage of this hair is that it is easy to comb and has a shiny appearance. They tend to have an oilier or greasy appearance because the natural oil of the scalp moves more quickly from the roots to the ends.

Many stylists advise against the use of serums or oily products in these cases and recommend preferably using products in a spray texture. You should also not wash your hair too often because this can cause overproduction of oil , so dry shampoo is also a good option for people with this type of hair.

🌾 Type 1A : very smooth and fine, typical of Asian people.
🌾 Type 1B : thicker than the previous one and therefore with more volume, it is one of the most common hair types.
🌾 Type 1C : very thick and somewhat coarser, with a slight curvature, it can be molded more easily than the previous two. May be prone to frizz.

Type 2: Wavy

This is hair with more natural curves, but not too curly, and usually has an 'S' shape . It is one of the most desired types of hair for its casual, voluminous and beautiful appearance, and can be molded in any way.

🌿 Type 2A : in its natural state it has a tousled and soft appearance. From the roots to eye level it is quite straight and towards the ends it has a loose, poorly defined wave. To avoid flattening and smoothing that natural curve, creamy and oily products should not be used. Using light mousse or gels can be a good alternative.
🌿 Type 2B : This type of hair also waves from the middle to the ends, but with a more defined 'S' and is usually more difficult to straighten. It's easy to create a 'beachy' effect with a little spray or sea water. This subtype is ideal for doing the balayage technique.
🌿 Type 2C : its waves are better defined and start from the top of the hair. This hair is thick and has a tendency to frizz in humidity. Using a diffuser when drying helps eliminate this frizz. It is preferable to shape the waves than straighten the hair; products such as light mousses with anti-humidity ingredients can be very useful.

Type 3: Curly

It is curly hair that forms spirals. Although when it gets wet it becomes straight, when it dries it curls again . It is easy to manage and shape hair, it fits well with any face shape and gives a youthful appearance.

☘️ Type 3A : has well-defined loose curls. Trying to style it too much can cause frizz and you should not wear too tight ponytails as they can undo the pretty waves and thin the hair.
☘️ Type 3B : the curls are a little narrower, the size of a marker, but at the same time they give greater volume. This type of hair has a tendency to dry out and needs hydration. It is preferable to use products without silicones and sulfates, because, although they temporarily hide frizz, they can dry the hair over time and cause breakage.
☘️ Type 3C : This hair has tight and elastic curls. It has a tendency to frizz and needs hydration, so it is advisable to use leave-in conditioner and air dry your hair.

Type 4: Frizzy or very curly

It is known as 'afro', with very tight and elastic curls, full of movement . It has a thick appearance and tends to frizz easily. Contrary to what it might seem, it is prone to dehydration, so it needs a lot of moisturizing products to prevent it from breaking easily.
🍀 Type 4A : has a very narrow rewound 'S' shape, with a lot of movement. It is important to avoid heat styling and use moisturizing creams and masks.
🍀 Type 4B : has a 'Z' shape, with less defined curls than the previous pattern. This hair benefits from creams that give definition to the curls. Using heat to style your hair can cause frizz.
🍀 Type 4C : these are the narrowest and most fragile curls. This hair can break easily if excessive or rough styling is carried out. Benefits from masks, coconut oil and leave-in conditioners.

Identify your hair type

Other hair characteristics

The texture

In addition to the degree of curl, another important characteristic is the texture of the hair. It fundamentally depends on the number of layers your hair has .

🍁 Fine hair : the most fragile of all and has only two layers, cortex and cuticle. It easily has a greasy appearance, is difficult to shape and breaks easily.
🍁 Medium hair : it is what most people have. It is a little thicker than the fine one and sometimes has a third layer, the pith. It is easier to shape and has greater resistance to breakage.
🍁 Thick hair : always has three layers (cortex, cuticle and medulla). It gives an appearance of greater volume and supports different hairstyles well, in addition to being more tolerant to heat, dyes and hair styling products. On the contrary, it takes longer to dry and frizzes easily.


In addition to all the characteristics we have talked about previously, you will have also heard that hair has a certain 'porosity'. This characteristic refers to your hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture, natural fats and endogenous components, in addition to protecting itself against harmful external agents .

Porosity is determined by the outermost layer of the hair: the cuticle. This layer is made up of small cuticles that form a kind of 'shingles' that overlap each other.

🌕 Hair with low porosity : When these tiles are very united and do not allow oils or moisturizing products to penetrate to the core. These hairs can benefit from products and treatments in which conditioners are diluted and set with heat.
🌑 Hair with high porosity : if the cuticle layers are very separated. This type of hair allows moisture and external products to access the hair, but has more difficulty retaining hydration, and external polluting agents can affect it more easily. These hairs need leave-in conditioners and should avoid hot water.

Porosity is fundamentally genetically determined, but aggressive hair treatments (ironing, dyeing, blow-drying, excessive washing) and excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation can increase hair porosity.

Tips to improve the appearance of your hair

Now that you know what types of hair there are and can classify yours, here are some recommendations to get the most out of your hair:

🌱 Each hair has its needs and you will have to hydrate it, avoid excessive washing or use certain products according to its type.
🌱 If your hair looks excessively dull, has little density or falls out more than usual , do not hesitate to consult your dermatologist , it may be the translation of some underlying disease.
🌱 Eating a healthy and balanced diet, exercising and using natural supplements such as Olistic , which contains essential vitamins and nutrients for hair growth in its formula, will help it grow strong and healthy.

Nov 4, 2022