Mar 27, 2024

Postpartum hair loss: causes and solutions


Many women find that their hair falls out in greater amounts after childbirth.It is what is known aspostpartum telogen effluvium, a type of widespread, diffuse hair loss that can be seen for up to several months after delivery.

On many occasions, this hair loss can also be the consequence of a disease or due to the deficiency of some nutrient, but, in general, telogen effluvium appears due to the hormonal changes typical of this period.

Why is hair stronger during pregnancy?

In pregnancyestrogens and progesterone that the body makes make hair stronger and thicker.Estrogen, in particular, is responsible for prolonging the anagen or hair growth phase and, in pregnancy, there are large amounts of it, so hair grows longer and longer.It is common for pregnant women to notice their hair thicker and stronger.

Progesterone is a hormone released by the ovaries and the placenta and has the ability to block the production of DHT, a very powerful male hormone that clings to and suffocates the hair follicle until it loses vitality and strength causing hair loss.

Hair loss postpartum

After delivery, the body eliminates excess estrogen and progesterone productionand this hormonal change causes the hair to go into a resting phase.In this stage hair growth stops and finally, after 3 or 4 months, it falls out.

On the other hand, the loss of blood after childbirth causes a significant loss of iron and, therefore, of hemoglobin.Hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen from the hair follicle through the blood and, as it decreases, the hair becomes denuded and falls out.

In addition to hormones, we must add exposure to postpartum stress: the responsibility of a new life, fatigue, lack of sleep and emotional state also affect and weaken the hair bulb and hair.

In fact, if we generally lose an average of 50 to 150 hairs per day, in the puerperium, this number increases.This hair loss process usually lasts from 2 months to a year after pregnancy..And, although it is not possible to avoid it,its effect can be mitigated by taking care of our body and hair both outside and inside.

Does breastfeeding affect hair loss?

According to acomparative study between a group of women who breastfed and others who did not,breastfeeding is not to blame for hair losssince no significant differences were found between both groups.It is the postpartum hormonal changes that we have mentioned above that directly affect hair loss.

Does postpartum hair grow back?

Losing your hair at a time like postpartum can be very stressful, but little by little,hair grows back in a period of 6 months or a year or so returning to its initial growth cycle.In general, it is a normal process and the hair will return to its natural state but it may also be that the hair is somewhat finer and more brittle after this stage.

Tips for caring for your hair postpartum

Postpartum hair loss cannot be avoided but you can pay attention to the body's signals so that this stage affects your hair as little as possible.Here are some tips that can help improve the quality of your hair at this stage:

  • Take care of your diet: follow a diet rich in vitamins and minerals that is varied, healthy and provides you with enough energy for your day to day.
  • Avoid dyes or chemical treatmentsDuring those months, avoid excessive use of irons and dryers and use mild shampoos with a neutral pH that protect your hair.
  • Keep stress at bay.You can achieve this by doing specific sports for the postpartum or practicing yoga or meditation.
  • A nutritional and vitamin supplement WhatOlisticmay be the key to regrowing hair postpartum.This is a time when routines change (also dietary ones).Lack of time, lactation and fatigue can cause the body not to receive all the vitamins and nutrients necessary to ensure the well-being of the hair.After pregnancy and after breastfeeding, take care of yourself and protect your hair both outside and inside with Olistic.

    Mar 27, 2024